TOP / News / VISITSが総額5.7億円調達。パーソルホールディングスと協働でHR Techの研究開発を加速
Press 07.06.2017 Thursday

VISITSが総額5.7億円調達。パーソルホールディングスと協働でHR Techの研究開発を加速

この度、VISITS Technologies(旧社名VISITS WORKS、本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 松本勝)はHR Tech分野での協働研究開発を目的とし、パーソルホールディングス(東京都渋谷区:代表取締役社長 CEO 水田正道)と資本提携、業務提携に向けた基本合意を致しました。同時に株式会社ベクトル、三菱UFJキャピタル、既存株主等を引受先とする第三者割当増資等により、総額5.7億円を調達しました。社名をVISITS Technologies株式会社と改め経営体制を強化し、HR Tech企業としての成長を加速させてまいります。

1. 背景

当社は2014年6月に創設以降、「テクノロジーの力を駆使し、すべての人々の可能性を可視化し、自分の人生を自分でデザインできる仕組みを創る」というミッションの下、様々なプロダクトを開発しています。第一弾として2015年12月にローンチした、社会の最前線で活躍する社会人と学生をつなぐサービス「VISITS OB」は、株式会社ディスコという強力なパートナーを得て、サービスリリース後1年8か月で50万マッチングを突破する等、順調にユーザーの支持を得、業界や企業名に捉われない「自分らしい生き方とは何か」を考える機会を提供してまいりました。

2. 提携内容

このたび、パーソルホールディングス株式会社の中核会社の一つであるパーソルキャリア株式会社(旧社名:インテリジェンス)と業務提携に向けた基本合意を致しました。パーソルキャリアが長年にわたり蓄積した人材領域における膨大なノウハウと、弊社のデータ解析、アルゴリズム設計という強みを共有することで、派遣、転職、BPO領域等における両社のコアとなる技術開発を目指すとともに、HR Tech分野の発展に寄与する技術開発、人材の育成を行います。

3. 資金調達概要

PERSOL INNOVATION FUND合同会社(旧社名:Temp Innovation Fund合同会社)、株式会社ベクトル、三菱UFJキャピタル及び既存株主やエンジェル投資家等を割当先とする第三者割当増資を実施いたしました。
調達した資金はパーソルグループとの新規事業開発ための投資、エンジニア、データサイエンティスト等の人材採用、育成及びVISITS OBの更なるユーザー価値向上のための投資に当ててまいります。

4. 経営陣と組織体制

本調達に合わせデータサイエンティストチームを強化し、元Goldman Sachs(Asia)でマネージングディレクターを務めた畑中隆氏、元McKinsey & Companyで、データサイエンティストとして豊富な経験を有する栗山実氏の2名を新たに招聘しております。パーソルホールディングスより、人材ビジネスにおいて豊富な知見を持つPERSOL INNOVATION FUNDの加藤代表パートナーを取締役として迎え、開発した技術のビジネス化を推進してまいります。




取締役 栗山実

取締役 造田洋典
公認会計士。1996年、監査法人トーマツ入所。会計監査、上場準備会社の公開指導にあたる。株式会社ドリコムの経営管理部長、取締役や株式会社ザッパラス管理本部長を歴任。新規株式公開、M&A、管理業務全般に従事。 2009年、株式会社ノボット入社で取締役CFOに就任し、2年半でKDDIへバイアウト。

取締役 成瀬功一郎
創業間もない株式会社オプト(現 株式会社オプトホールディング )へ1997年に入社。セールス、マーケティング、モバイル部門等の責任者を歴任。2007年株式会社ホットリンクへ転籍し取締役COOに就任、受託開発事業からSaaS事業へのピポッドに成功し、2013年には東証マザーズへ上場。現在は株式会社Warranty technologyの取締役副社長。

取締役 加藤丈幸
一橋大学商学部卒業後、1998年インテリジェンス(現:パーソルキャリア)入社。入社以来、人材紹介事業、転職メディア事業、人材派遣事業、アウトソーシング事業の事業企画部門のマネジメントと、通算6つのビジネスの立ち上げを経験。現在はPERSOL INNOVATION FUNDの代表パートナーとして、パーソルグループのオープンイノベーション推進を担当。

執行役員 畑中隆
京都大学大学院工学研究科修了後、 1993年ゴールドマン・サックス証券入社。IT部門にてトレーディングシステム開発、ニューヨーク本社クオンツ部門にてモデリング、リスク管理、株式デリバティブトレーディングに従事したのち、Goldman Sachs(Asia)でマネージングディレクターとして株式デリバティブ・クオンツトレーディング部を統括。

技術顧問 松岡剛志
Yahoo! Japan新卒第一期生エンジニアとして複数プロダクトやセキュリティに関わる。 ミクシィでは複数のプロダクトを作成の後、取締役CTO兼人事部長。 その後B2Bスタートアップ1社を経て、rectorを創業。

VISITS Technologies株式会社
住所:東京都港区六本木7-4-4 4F
事業内容:「テクノロジーの力を駆使し、すべての人々の可能性を可視化し、自分の人生を自分でデザインできる仕組みを創る」をミッションとし、キャリア形成プラットフォーム「VISITS OB」の企画・運営を行う
VISITS OB ウエブサイト:

VISITS raises 570 million yen. Joint research into HR Technology with PERSOL HOLDINGS accelerating.

VISITS Technologies (Prev. VISITS WORKS, based in Minato-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Masaru Matsumoto) has established the terms of the financial and business collaboration with PERSOL HOLDINGS (based in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Masamichi Mizuta). At the same time, VISITS Technologies has also raised 570 million yen through a third-party allocation of new shares with Vector Inc., MUFJ Capital, existing shareholders among others participating in the funding round. Through also changing the company name to VISITS Technologies and strengthening our operating capacity, VISITS will continue to grow as a HR Tech company.

1. Background

In recent years, more and more people even within Japan have raised the needs for work reform and increasing productivity. With the digital shift within the HR fields too, each day our hopes increase for a world where each person can appreciate the value that their work brings about and where everyone can take pride in their lives.

VISITS’ mission is to show to everyone their possibilities, and allow them to design their own life paths through the use of technology. Since its founding in June 2014, VISITS has been working on a whole range of products in pursuit of this. The first was VISITS OB, which connected students to the most dynamic working adults in society, which VISITS launched in December 2015. Through our close collaborations with DISCO, we have reached 500 thousand “matches” between users on our service within a period of a year and 8 months. VISITS OB has been steadily gathering support from its users through providing them with a chance to think about their future paths without being strictly bound by industry types and company reputations.

2. Details of collaboration

Recently, VISITS has established the basic terms of collaboration with PERSOL CAREER Inc. (formerly Intelligence Inc.), one of the core companies held by PERSOL HOLDINGS Inc. Through sharing VISITS’ strengths, including data analysis and algorithm development in return for PERSOL’s knowledge about the HR sphere which it has accumulated over many years, VISITS will develop technologies tied to both companies’ core businesses including dispatch, career changes, BPOs etc. VISITS will also use this collaboration to develop to both technologies and talent which can contribute to the HR Tech sphere.

3. Fundraising

VISITS Technologies has conducted a third-party share allocation, with PERSOL INNOVATION FUND LLC., Vector Inc., MUFJ Capital, current shareholders and other angel investors participating.

After adding a loan from the Japan Finance Corporation to support new disruptive and innovative ventures, VISITS has raised a total of 570 million yen. These funds will be used to invest in new business collaborations between PERSOL Group and VISITS, to hire engineers / data scientists and to further raise the impact which VISITS OB has on our users.

4. Leadership and Organization Structure

We will be strengthening our data scientist teams through welcoming Takashi Hatanaka, former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs (Asia) and Minoru Kuriyama, who has had a long career as a Data Scientist at McKinsey & Company. We are also welcoming the Representative Partner of PERSOL INNOVATION FUND, Takeyuki Kato, who is very well versed in the HR field, as a Board Member to assist us with the commercialization of the technology we develop.

In order to strengthen our service development, we are also welcoming Tsuyoshi Matsuoka, former Mixi CTO, as our technical advisor in order to improve our service and what we can offer to our users.

In order to boost our management capacity, we are also welcoming Koichiro Naruse, former Sales Department Head of Opt Inc. (Current Opt Holdings) and former Hottolink COO as a board member and to lead our overall management and strategy. We are also welcoming Hironori Zoda, former Drecom CFO, Zappalas internal management head and Certified Accountant, as our CFO / Board Member to strengthen our financial and internal structures.

Summary of Board Members

Board Member: Minoru Kuriyama
Minoru joined McKinsey and Company after graduating from the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo. He was involved in multiple fields of consulting, including data analysis and strategic development, with many large firms as clients. Through blending business and science, he is involved with the development and optimizing of algorithms, strategic development etc. based on customer behavior data.

Board Member: Hironori Zoda
Certified Accountant. Formerly in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC where he was involved in auditing and IPO preparations for client companies. Former Drecom Co. Ltd Head of Internal Administration and Zappalas Inc. Head of Internal Management, where he has been Involved in the issuing of new stocks, M&As and a wide range of management tasks. Hironori assumed the CFO / Board Member position of Nobot Inc. in 2009 where he led the company to be acquired from KDDI within 2 and a half years of incorporation.

Board Member: Koichiro Naruse
Koichiro joined Opt Inc. when it was just starting up in 1997 and held management positions in departments including sales, marketing and mobile. In 2007, he transferred to Hottolink and assumed the role of COO. He successfully pivoted Hottolink from development outsourcing to providing SaaS services and brought it to its going public on the TSE MOTHERS. Currently Deputy CEO / Board Member of Warranty Technology Inc.

Board Member: Takeyuki Kato
Takeyuki joined Intelligence (now PERSOL CAREER) in 1998 after graduating from the Faculty of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University. Since joining Intelligence, he has had experience in managing the headhunting, mid-career job-change media, labor dispatch and outsourcing divisions as well as starting 6 different business within the company. He is currently the Representative Partner of PERSOL INNOVATION FUND and is responsible for PERSOL Group’s initiatives in promoting open innovation.

Executive Board Member: Takashi Hatanaka
Joined Goldman Sachs in 1993 after graduating from the Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering of Kyoto University. He was involved in the development of trading systems in the IT department as well as data modeling, risk management and stock derivative trading under the quants department in the Goldman Sachs New York headquarters. He later became a managing director at Goldman Sachs (Asia), leading the stock derivative and quants trading departments.

Technical Advisor: Tsuyoshi Matsuoka
Joined the first batch of Yahoo! Japan’s engineers and has handled multiple products and product security. Has handled the creation of multiple products under Mixi and assumed the CTO / Board member after while also functioning as head of HR. Established rector after working in another B2B startup.

Company Name: VISITS Technologies Inc.
CEO: CEO and Chairman, Masaru Matsumoto
Address: 4F, 7-4-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
VISITS Technologies aims to show to everyone their possibilities, and allow them to design their own life paths through the use of technology. It currently operates VISITS OB, a career design platform.
VISITS OB Website:
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