VISITS Technologies featured in a publication by Nikkei Design (February 2022 Issue)
An article on “Design Thinking Test” was published in the February issue of “Nikkei Design” by Nikkei BP. The article discusses the efforts of three companies (Sumitomo Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) West Corporation, and Panasonic Corporation) that are using the Design Thinking Test to transform their hiring practices.
「Using the “Design Thinking Test”to hire Design Talents: デザイン人材の確保にも「デザイン思考力テスト」を活用」(Nikkei Design Link)
An article on “Design Thinking Test” was published in the February issue of “Nikkei Design” by Nikkei BP. The article discusses the efforts of three companies (Sumitomo Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) West Corporation, and Panasonic Corporation) that are using the Design Thinking Test to transform their hiring practices.
「Using the “Design Thinking Test”to hire Design Talents: デザイン人材の確保にも「デザイン思考力テスト」を活用」(Nikkei Design Link)
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